My neighbor and good friend Debra created an incredible DIY yard art piece from an old watering can and hanging crystals from an old chandelier. When exposed to sunlight, these crystals reflect its light brilliantly.

Crystals appear to be pouring from the watering can spout using only some wire and beads for security. Keep reading to discover how you can create your own crystal-pouring watering can!

Watering Can with Crystal Pourer
This whimsical garden decoration makes an eye-catching statement when added next to these exquisite Decorative Garden Stakes! Don’t you agree?

NOTE: For those interested in purchasing these stunning designs, Etsy has many beautiful offerings!

Below I will outline how you can make something similar yourself, or you can watch my video just below. After viewing, make sure to scroll through and see all of the photos!

As soon as I posted my watering can project to Instagram a few years ago, I never imagined what was to come next. Once on Facebook, however, the photos started appearing there too and quickly went viral!

What followed were almost 700 likes and over 200 shares on my Facebook page! Given its success, I visited Debra’s again the next day to take better pictures and show you how you too can create one yourself.

Debra and I live right around the corner from each other, yet hadn’t met. Before our official introduction I had already attended several of her garage sales and passed her house numerous times – all without ever meeting. One day Debra introduced herself by saying she met me through this blog; to my amazement no one in my sleepy little town knew anything about what a blog was let alone how it works!

Since that day, Debra and I have become close. We share creative tips, share crafty projects, and bounce ideas off each other regularly – I’m so glad she came knocking on my door that day!

Debra lives in an adorable little farm house with an expansive barn in her side yard. I salvaged some items from that barn – including these Distressed Shutters – which you can see featured in her post along with pictures of both Debra’s property and barn.

Interested in seeing even more? I have posted a small photo album of Debra’s barn on Facebook.

Debra has an elegant garden in southeast Wisconsin. Though most of the flowers have taken a nap for the year, Debra still boasts a fun collection of whimsical items which I will show here.

Debra’s yard features much salvaged from the side of the road or bought at garage sales for pennies, with her garden path lined with blue bottles turned upside-down and pushed into the earth.

One of my favorite parts of her garden are these adorable chippy herb pots that she found stacked in a garbage can.

She put it perfectly… the previous owner likely said something like: “Oh no! the paint’s all chipping off..” (read this with a disappointed tone).


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