Once Easter is over and all the colorful eggs have been collected, chances are they’ll end up making egg salad and being tossed out – or worse still thrown in the garbage or compost pile! Don’t dispose of those beautiful shells quite yet though; let them air dry on some paper towels first before setting them aside in a shallow bowl to use later for crafting this egg shell mosaic vase!

Egg Shell Mosaic Vase My friends at DecoArt sent me their brand new decoupage medium, so when I collected all my eggshells for crafts I began working on this gorgeous mosaic vase made entirely out of egg shells!

Do you remember these plastic beanie baby containers I turned into kitchen utensil holders? Stacks and stacks of them were sitting in my craft room cabinet, ready to be transformed into something unique and useful. One plain one has been serving its purpose well for holding scissors, large paintbrushes and box cutters in my craft room until recently; when I decided to adorn it further – now doubling as both an elegant flower vase!

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Before beginning, it is necessary to dry out your egg shells. I put mine into a shallow container after they had fully dried out, before selecting a container – I chose this plastic beanie baby holder as mine!


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